Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Promethean Weaponry - Scattershot

As mentioned,  the Scattershot has been looked at a while ago, but here's what we know about it.

The Scattershot fires a direct beam of energy that kills personnel instantly. This close quarter power weapon can ricochet shots off hard surfaces, making a skilled user able to strike an opponent down without having a direct line of site to that opponent. Each 'clip' has enough energy for 5 charges before reloading, so if you miss at first you get 4 more attempts. Don't try taking on vehicles with the Scattershot as this weapon is not designed for anti-vehicular use. Scattershot's are used by Promethean Knights in the campaign, but in multiplayer they often become a favored weapon package/drop in infinity slayer.

The final item in this series is the Promethean Pulse Grenade, tune in tomorrow for more detials.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Promethean Weaponry - Incineration Canon

So, next up we have the Promethean Incineration Canon.

The Incineration Canon seems to fit into a niche within the Halo 4 weapon pool. Whilst it is designed as an anti-vehicular weapon, the projectile (several streams of particles) travels somewhat slowly to a target. But the impact when it hits makes this weapon extremely potent at consuming vehicles or unaware infantry targets.

Next on the menu, we will take a look at the Scattershot again.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Promethean Weaponry - Light Rifle

The next weapon we are going to look at is the Light Rifle, now this was mentioned earlier on in the year, but it doesn't hurt to refresh our memory.

The Light Rifle seems to be the best of both worlds in terms of allowing the user a burst fire 'mode' un-zoomed, then a more clinical longer range single zoom 'mode'. A bit more multi-purpose than it's counterparts, the light rifle fires hard-light projectiles and appears quite a versatile addition to your armaments. Each magazine/clip holds 15 rounds.

The next weapon we will look at in this series is the Incineration Canon. 

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Promethean Weaponry - Binary Rifle

Welcome to the third installment of Promethean weaponry. Today we are going to look at the Binary Rifle.

The Z-750 Binary Rifle is a devastating sniping tool. Whilst being able to reach enemies over very long distances, the sheer power of the rifle allows it to always kill an opponent in one hit, regardless of shot placement on the body. Typically used by Promethean Crawler Snipes and Promethean Knight Lancers  this weapon is the counterpart to the human and covenant sniper rifles. This powerful weapon holds 2 shots, hence that's why it is called binary, i suppose.

Next up will be the Light Rifle.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Promethean Weaponry - Suppressor

Welcome to the second installment of Promethean Weaponry. Today we are going to look at the Suppressor.

The Z-130 Suppressor is the Promethean's answer to the Assault Rifle and Storm Rifle. Firing hard-light projectiles the Suppressor dominates targets at close range due to its firing faster the longer the trigger is pressed. Having 50 rounds in a magazine this weapon allows the user a very reliable fall-back or secondary weapon to rely on.

Tune in tomorrow for a look at the Binary Rifle.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Promethean Weaponry - Bolt Shot

We now begin with a short series highlighting the Promethean weapons in Halo 4. Starting off with this little beauty, the Bolt Shot.

Essentially the Z-110 direct energy pistol is the Promethean counterpart to the Magnum Pistol and Plasma Pistol. However, it tends to operate as a close range weapon that sports a charged up shot feature, much like the Plasma Pistol and somewhat akin to the Mauler from Halo 3. As such the Bolt Shot is devastating up close. Each magazine holds up to 10 rounds.

Tune in tomorrow for the next Promethean weapon, the Suppressor.

Halo Forward Unto Dawn - Part 3

Now presenting to you Part 3 of the Halo Forward Unto Dawn live action series part 3. In this episode catch up on what the team have to face next, if you haven't already seen it.

Part 3

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Halo 4 Forward Unto Dawn - Part 5

So here is the final installment of the Forward Unto Dawn live action series, enjoy this concluding part to see what happens.

Friday, 2 November 2012