Halo Psychology- 101
All players will do these things when the game begins:
- Run for a DMR. (a good habit, I'm not slating this one)
- Rush for the Power Weapons (Rocket, Sword, Shotgun, Sniper rifle) (again a good habit, but if done incorrectly, ie: without support, can lose you control of the weapon and start the game off badly)
- Rush for the nearest Vehicle (usually a Banshee or Tank, or worse a mongoose or warthog [alone in a warthog lol!])
- Run headlong into the middle and engage the first opponent(s).
This comes from several years of online experience observing, not just the enemy but also your own team mates, and my own movements. These things aren't bad in themselves. You always need to get better weapons. But rushing in all the time will only work for so long. Once you face a team of well drilled opponents you will be dead before you can call for help or retreat.
The first two points in the above list are good things to do. Especially if you use your map knowledge. When it comes to playing as a team, it is better that all of you have a DMR as your primary weapon. As a team of DMR users will most likely always win vs a team using pistols and assault rifles.
Some players may squabble if there are not enough DMR nearby. Avoid getting upset or team killing if you don't grab a DMR. It's not the end of the world, just use your map knowledge and head for a different one.
When it comes to attaining a power weapon , like the rockets, you will stand a good chance of claiming it, or taking it off a player who has rushed to get it, if you have a DMR than if you purely rush in with your assault rifle. This is a judgement call you have to make each game at the outset. If you get it wrong and die, and gift the power weapon the the other team, you are in a bad position and generally will lose a few (team) kills because of that.
Rushing for a vehicle depends on the game type and map. If it's an objective game then it is helpful to have a warthog circling around and picking up and dropping off players. However if you rush in a vehicle alone and then try and take on the other team alone you will invariably lose each time.
The last point about darting into the 'middle' or straight towards the opposing team is something that should be avoided. To do this try and plan your movements so that you can circle around or perhaps pick off individual/alone players. Use of your map knowledge and radar is key when moving around the map towards the opposing team.
All players will do these things when they spot you:
- Fire- Even if they have an assault rife vs your DMR and are miles away.
- Charge you down. Opponents will always run towards you no matter what. (generally bad but particularly hilarious if they don't spot you have a sword or shotgun, happens so many times)
- Panic when their shields are down and try to hide behind something and stop attacking. (of course by this time its too late to think about that)
- Hurl grenades if they see you have a superior weapon to them, forcing you to evade. (I love grenades and they can be used correctly)
Recognising a Good/Bad player:
These general rules apply to team mates and to the opposing players as well. After playing for a minute or two into a match you should have an idea of how good everyone is playing. You can tell how good or bad a player is by:
- Their movement around the map, do they know where the weapons are? and do they use them effectively? do they support you and stay together, or not?
- Does this person have murderous accuracy or aim to get headshots?
- Do they pay attention to the radar, or do you have to tell them an enemy is coming from behind?
- Do they just pick up any weapon because it is there? needler (less favoured in online matchups) Or do they just bomb around with only their assault rifle?
- Do they communicate what they want to do and where the enemy are coming from, or not
- Have they got lots of kills like 4 or 5 in the first minute? or after a couple of minutes do they still have 0?
As you can see it is not hard to tell who the good and bad players are even in the opening minutes of a match.
Weapon Feinting:
This is the practice of firing/ using a weak weapon like the assault rifle to draw a target towards you, making him think he has the upper hand. Then (usually after rounding a corner) switching weapons to a sword or rocket launcher.
Many people still don't look at their opponent to see what secondary weapon they have. That big tube thing that sticks up in the air is the rocket launcher.
If your feint fails you can get into trouble. If you fire your shotgun prematurely, a sensible player will back off, throw grenades and always keep enough distance away from you so you can't one shot him.
If used correctly you can bluff being weak, then pop out the big guns and take the opponent off guard. Also try feinting with crouching around a corner for an even deadlier mix.
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