Friday 15 June 2012

Halo 4 E3 In-Game Mayhem

Get your Halo 4 geek modes on now...

Right, so E3 has come and gone, and this is what has been revealed. A very juicy and tantalising video for you to sink your teeth into. Yes, Halo fans, we have our first look at a campaign mission where the Master Chief is now on Requiem, the forerunner world. The chief is in pursuit of the UNSC Infinity, to where she has hit down. Check out the video to see all some of the new enemies. Which are artificial guardians of the forerunners, I believe. These artificially intelligent monsters are an interesting mix of how the covenant feel and play, but with some new little tricks up their sleeves. Tricks like throwing your own grenades back at you, whipping out a plasma riot-type shield and the ability to teleport short distances quickly.

check out what I mean, you just have to see it to believe it. And believe you will.

The start of this video shows the UNSC Infinity, and is part of the current TV commercial for Halo 4. It gives us a good idea of how it gets to Requiem and bumps into the Master Chief.

During the campaign part of the video we get introduced to what cortana calls Visor Mode, a thermal imaging display mode on Chiefs hud.  But even more interestingly we see two new weapons on show. The Light rifle, which is a type of forerunner carbine. And the scattershot, a foreruner shotgun-type weapon. Both of which are extremely badass and not to be messed with.

Tune in for another video tomorrow!

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