Tuesday 13 November 2012

Promethean Weaponry - Scattershot

As mentioned,  the Scattershot has been looked at a while ago, but here's what we know about it.

The Scattershot fires a direct beam of energy that kills personnel instantly. This close quarter power weapon can ricochet shots off hard surfaces, making a skilled user able to strike an opponent down without having a direct line of site to that opponent. Each 'clip' has enough energy for 5 charges before reloading, so if you miss at first you get 4 more attempts. Don't try taking on vehicles with the Scattershot as this weapon is not designed for anti-vehicular use. Scattershot's are used by Promethean Knights in the campaign, but in multiplayer they often become a favored weapon package/drop in infinity slayer.

The final item in this series is the Promethean Pulse Grenade, tune in tomorrow for more detials.

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